Family Sponsorship Program
Family Sponsorship Program is a unique program through which we connect families in need with generous donors! Becoming a sponsor means giving children the chance to grow up healthy, educated and to change their lives and future forever.
Through the monthly contribution, the family is assisted with necessities such as food, hygiene and baby care essentials. Assistance is continued until the family is self-sufficient and able to stand on their own. The goal is to help families help themselves live a sustainable life.
To ensure that the most underprivileged families are helped, our team visits the prospective family, who has either requested assistance or has been referred to us by some other source, to ascertain their need. Through our verification process, all eligible profiles of the families are added to Moms Care List.
Once a family is sponsored, their situation begins to improve dramatically. Sending these care packages per month greatly increases their income, more than doubling their monthly earnings.
Moms Aid continuously provides assistance to 317 vulnerable families registered under our care. Before registration, our administrators personally verify the living condition of the families, after which we get further details from the island Council, Women Development Committee (WDC) and other sources.
Every day we hear incredible stories of how the lives of women and children are changing for the better. With your support, our work has helped to transform many lives in the past five years.
At Moms Aid we believe that all children should have an equal chance to thrive. Your sponsorship will make a huge difference to a family in need – ensuring they have enough to eat, an education, and hope for the future.
Our care list includes:
"Thifaraathun alhugandu menah thiya foarukohdhehvvi eheetherikama varah bodah shukuriyya. Mee mivaguthu alhugandumenah libigen dhiya varah bodu luyeh"
"Meege kurin alhugandaai, alhugandu ge 3 kudhin komme dhuvahaku ves thibenee banduhai hoonukan nufulilaa varuge kuda ethikolheh kaalaigen.. Mom's Aid in monthly linen feshi care package as ekee kudhinnaai alhugandah rangalhah kaalaigen thibumuge naseebu libijje"
"Moms Aid ge faraathun alhugandu men ge mi kuda kuda aailaa ah thi vedhevvaa eheetherikan e ii agu nukureveyne varuge kameh. Komme mahaku thiya dhevvaa care package ge sababu, libey madhu laari kolhu ekkohgen mihaaru alhugandah geygai kuda masaiykatheh feshey varu madu madun eba vey."
Sponsor a family today!
Together each month we will help empower more families to break the cycle of poverty, and help the vulnerable families in our society.Sponsor Now
Sponsor a family today!
Together each month we will help empower more families to break the cycle of poverty, and help the vulnerable families in our society.